Why Changing Is A Challenge

Most of us have heard the saying “change is good,” and many times it can be. But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging when you’re going through it. 

People are creatures of habit. We value routines. We find comfort in things that are familiar, and we don’t tend to like the unknown. 

Sometimes, change is a choice. Other times, it can be unavoidable. Now that the end of the year is approaching, is a good time to look at your life and how change has made a difference. 

But, if you’re having a hard time coping with those changes, it’s also important to know that you don’t have to handle everything on your own. 

With that in mind, let’s first take a look at why changing is such a challenge, and how you can better cope with the changes in your life. 

What Makes Changing So Difficult

Often, we think “change is hard” because we take the wrong approach in doing it. Yes, there are better ways to go through a change than others. 

One of the biggest reasons change often seems so difficult is because we try to change too many things at once. Let’s say you plan on moving. That’s already one of the most stressful life events you can go through as you literally uproot your foundation and belongings. But, you might add things like home repairs to increase the value of your house to your list. Or, maybe you’re changing jobs at the same time because you’re moving to a new location. 

While some of those things might be necessary, they can also be overwhelming. 

Another reason change can be so difficult… it’s uncomfortable! Even positive changes still have an element of “mystery” or unknown to them. And, again, most people are comfortable with what they know and hesitant about what they don’t. When you’re unsure about the benefits of your change, it can make that uncertainty feel even worse. 

The list could go on about why change is so difficult. Many times, it’s our perspective that makes changes challenging. But, changing that perspective is often easier said than done. 

So, what can you do to make changes in your life easier? 

Plan Ahead

Most changes don’t happen suddenly. While there are exceptions, in most cases, you can take some time to think things through and plan ahead as much as possible. Things like job changes, moving, relationship changes, and other major life decisions can benefit from a bit of extra planning and preparing. 

Taking the time to plan ahead will help you to feel more in control. Things won’t seem as uncertain, and even though some aspects of the change still won’t be easy, it will feel less overwhelming when you have an idea of what to expect and you take time to “control the controllables.”

Maintain Some Normalcy

Just because one area of your life might be changing doesn’t mean everything has to. 

If you’re going through a challenging change, strive to keep other areas of your life as normal as possible. Stick with your daily routine. Take time each day to do something that provides comfort and familiarity. By maintaining more of what you know, you’ll be less likely to feel like everything is out of your control. Accepting that certain things are different will be easier when you have other familiar things to fall back on. 

Lean On Your Support System

One of the best things you can do when you’re going through changes is to talk to someone about it. Group therapy can also help with this. It’s okay to “vent” how you’re feeling. Everyone has experienced changes before, so friends within a group setting and family members are likely going to be able to relate and offer their own experience. 

Change happens. Often, it can be a good thing. But, if you're struggling to deal with it, know you're not alone. Understanding the reasons why change can be challenging and a few coping mechanisms to help you get through can make a big difference. Keep these ideas in mind the next time you experience a major change in your life.

If you are struggling to adapt to change due to addiction and/or mental health concerns such as anxiety, reach out to us today so we can help you deal with anything that comes your way. Changing with change can be tough, let us help.


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