What Are Some Causes Of Drug Addiction?

There is a lot of stigma surrounding drug addiction. A lot of misinformation, as well. One of the misconceptions out there is that someone “chooses” to become an addict. As if someone woke up one-day thinking, “I’ll give addiction a try!”

We could go on and on about the stigmas surrounding substance abuse and every little way most people have this wrong. The focus of this post is not on the misinformation. Instead, we want to focus specifically on what can cause addiction.

Causes Of Addiction

It’s very rare to find that there is one single cause that results in chronic addiction. I’d go on to say that in my 15-years of experience working with substance users and people in recovery, that I’ve never worked with someone who’s had one reason for their long-term addiction. There are a variety of reasons that can contribute to it.

Mental Health

Just because someone struggles with their mental health does not mean they will become an addict. It’s just that with addiction, it is common to find that someone may have already struggled with anxiety or depression, for instance. Mental Health struggles can exacerbate addiction as substance use will frequently turn into a go to coping mechanism for the mental health disorder like depression, anxiety, and/or bipolar.

Family History

It is not uncommon to find out that someone struggling with addiction also comes from a family history of it, as well. A genetic predisposition to addiction can increase your risk. That’s not to say that every child or family member of an addict will also become addicted.

Instead, it can be the “normalization” aspect of growing up around someone who struggled with substance use problems.

Prescription Drugs

It’s easy to believe that we can feel better because of a drug. We have often been prescribed a variety of medications for different ailments – from OTC cold medicines to something ordered directly by a doctor.

When there is a “cure” or “quick fix” for everything, it’s not that hard to believe that for every small thing we go through, a little pill can help us. This sometimes increases the chance of addiction manifesting itself. We aren’t saying that medication is bad, not by any means. But, just that, it can be a contributing factor to addiction starting.

Wanting To Feel Normal

We all struggle in our own ways. In some cases, someone doesn’t initially seek out drugs or substances because they want to get “high” or drunk. Instead, it starts off innocently enough. Anything to avoid or make the stress of the day feel better.

Addiction or not, what this is sometimes called in the mental health world is “unhealthy coping mechanisms.” Meaning someone is turning to these substances as a way to feel normal and relaxed, even if it’s only temporarily. This is a dangerous cycle to play because instead of dealing with the underlying issues, it is just being masked as a temporary solution.

Pressure From Society

Not pressure to become an addict, of course. Rather, the pressure we feel from society and especially social media when everyone seems like they “have it all together.” It can make many people feel like they are not enough. Society can make people feel worse about themselves in an already challenging world.

When you add in that many celebrities or people we follow seem to post regular content of them having fun and drinking or using, it can seem like the right thing to do. After all, “if everyone else is doing it, it’s fine.”

Again, this starts someone off on a dangerous path that they may not be able to control.

How To Get Help With Drug Addiction

If you or someone you love is suffering from drug addiction, know that you aren’t alone. Substance abuse is something that stays silent throughout the country and in our lives and seeks isolation! No one should suffer from a challenging situation and be fearful about getting help.

We are a judgment-free center that just wants to see those who need it get help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help through addiction counseling.


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