Benefits of Life Coaching: Top 3 Reasons Why There’s No Alternative

Perhaps you’re still unsure of the benefits of investing in a life coach because, after all, we carry on with life regardless of someone being there to guide our next steps or not. We’ve been taught that we are here to learn, take every day as a new day, and do what our intuition and mind collectively tell us to.

And while there’s nothing wrong with fostering a “learning on-the-spot mindset,” a life mentor coaches you in developing a proactive “change mindset” alongside it.

The analogy is simple; the work of a sports coach and a life coach have parallels. People rarely recognize the value they are missing out on by not investing, at least once, in a life coach.

A sports coach helps an individual or a team identify a goal – inevitably “winning” – and develops a foolproof plan to achieve it. Under their mentorship, the person or the group may fail once, twice, or even thrice, but they ultimately win. And once taught, they keep winning and growing due to changes made.

It’s pretty straightforward – and the same holds true for life coaching.

How Do I Know That I Need A Life Coach?

People who consider life to be another playing field are the only ones who can gauge the significance of bringing in a mentor in it.

As Robert Thurman, an American Buddhist author says, “Imagine a culture in which everything is geared towards helping all individuals become the best human beings they can be; in which individuals are driven to devoting their lives to becoming enlightened by the natural flood of compassion for others that arises from their wisdom.”

The philosophical backbone of Buddhist life coaching and psychotherapy, approved and coveted by therapists all over the world, is based on a few principles – the major one being “Life Is Suffering.”

Some tangible signs of needing a life coach are;

·       Frequent irritability, anxiety, and stress

·       Inability to break habits

·       Persistent feeling of dissatisfaction with personal, professional, and financial goals

·       A sense of blocked creativity

·       When you’re going through transitions

What Benefits Can I Expect From A Life Coach?

Put simply, consulting a life coach involves a long list of tangible and intangible benefits that range from sorting out your goals and objectives in life – the ones that you know and the ones you don’t – and helping you achieve self-actualization, healthy relationships, clarity of purpose, harmony in life, and ultimately the best version of yourself.

A life coach can also alter the way you actually perceive ‘winning.’ In a nutshell, the 3 top benefits of using a life coach to win at life are:

  1. It uncovers what you don’t know about yourself

It is a true that not many people are able to fully understand themselves or discover what lies in their skill stack throughout their lives. We all have plenty of more gifts and talents than what meets the eye, and a life coach makes it a point to first understand who you really are and what you want from life.

For many, the main and most important purpose of seeking the help from a life coach is to gain clarity of purpose. You might be feeling a sense of loss and you can’t quite put a name to it. Interestingly, there might be blind spots or hidden gems below the surface that you haven’t discovered yourself. A life coach does all this and more. It brings out the real and reverent you.

2. It helps you create harmony

Consumed by our set of opinions, perspectives, and experiences, we are often biased in our understanding of “life” and how to deal with things. Then be it personal issues, professional conflicts, or unsettled finances, we lose the harmony that creates a balanced life.

A life coach doesn’t target one or two aspects of your life. He/she develops a customized coaching ecosystem that involves all details of your life, from relationships to work-life, goal setting to their achievements, discovering passions to following through commitments, and ultimately achieving happiness, peace of mind, and wellbeing.

3. It gives you unbiased support and critique

The learning phase of the life coaching sessions is easier, but what actually sets the experience apart is the accountability and unbiased support/feedback that comes after.

After walking you through your journey of self-discovery and helping you take the steps forward; a life coach doesn’t whoosh into thin air. He stands by the bottom of the ladder, watching you move in life, and catches you when you fall.

Thus, a life coach helps hold you accountable when you falter so that you can be brought back on track. They will give you unbiased feedback that proves to be invaluable input to your overall goals than simply making you feel better. A life coach will be your greatest ally, the most intimidating critic, and the best professional friend who would give you the push when you need it most.

A Life Coach Is An Investment In Your Future

Through this journey, you inherently become more confident in yourself. You may not be able to coach others but you will learn unknown techniques that you can apply to your daily life even after you’ve finished coaching.

What’s the purpose of living if you haven’t learned the art of living?


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